The concepts of jihād and hijra in the light of Ibn Jubayr’s travel report: the case of the kingdom of Sicily (1184-1185)




Ibn Jubayr, Kingdom of Sicily, Hijra, Jihād


This article intends to analyze how the Andalusian Muslim traveler Ibn Jubayr uses the sacred texts of Islam and, mainly, the Arab-Muslim concepts of hijra and jihād to think about the case of interreligious coexistence in the Kingdom of Sicily. Thinking about how travel and pilgrimage are operationalized in the medieval Arab-Muslim world, as well as the discursive role of Riḥla’s literary genre, in which Ibn Jubayr's report is inscribed, we will analyze how the author in question uses, for his argumentation, the sacred texts of Islam and the two aforementioned notions, very dear to Muslim jurists of the time, in order to intervene in their reality and contribute to the expansion of Islam.


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