The identity discourse and Angolan rites in “Maka na Sanzala”, by Uanhenga Xitu




Angolanity, Angolan rites, Literature and society, Cultural imaginary


This study aims to interpret the relationship between literature and its social conditioning in “Maka na Sanzala”, by Uanhenga Xitu. In the light of a socio-anthropological orientation analysis, it was possible to understand that “Maka na Sanzala”, while providing an intimate reading, integrates in its structure the ways in which cultural and traditional values interfere in the characters’ reasoning and in the narrative action. In order to show the imbrications between text and context, the research uses the analytical-descriptive method, ensured by Antonio Candido’s sociological analysis. The deconstruction of traditional and identity elements of a ritualistic nature was the main concern of this work. This provided sufficient basis for inferring that the mythical universe of Uanhenga Xitu's tales seeks to restore Angola's cultural identity.


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