The fragmentation of the subject's identity in Cuti’s short stories




Postcolonial literature, Identity, Cuti


This paper aims to analyze the black subject’s fragmentation in the present context using the Postcolonial Theory. For this, we chose the short stories “Incidente na Raiz” and “Boneca”, by the writer Cuti. In these short stories, we observed the main characters in order to verify what the legacies the colonizing past left on them were. We have come to the concluded that the psychological issue, which is precisely one of these legacies from the slavery period, is still very current and, by means of Postcolonial Literature, these issues are highlighted and discussed so that they can be overcome. Therefore, in our analysis we will use the studies of Bonnici (2012), Fanon (2008) and Hall (2006) on the theories of postcolonialism and identity.


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