The reciprocity of shared senses: ideas to humanize social relations at university




Human perception, Social relations, University, Pandemic


Based on the studies of the German sociologist Georg Simmel (1858-1918) on the transformations of human perception in the modern metropolis, this paper proposes a reflection on problems emerging in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, especially those that directly affect social relationships in the pedagogical area. Arising from within an undergraduate Music Therapy course at a Brazilian public university, the ideas presented here aim to improve the psychic and social health of teachers and students who, facing an unprecedented crisis, had to adapt to Emergency Remote Education (ERE) in a short period of time. As a form of resistance and (re)existence in this context, we propose the sharing of practices and actions that cultivate the sensitive and intellectual faculties of the human being, which find a privileged place in courses that combine arts and humanities.


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