From “the mysterious disease of homosexuals” to AIDS: notes on AIDS in the Manchete Magazine – 1980s




HIV/AIDS, History of diseases, Manchete Magazine


The article aims to analyze how the Manchete Magazine approached the AIDS pandemic in the 1980s. A survey of the magazine's texts that addressed the pandemic was carried out, a total of 260 texts being surveyed during the decade. These texts were divided into 19 categories and the category with the largest number of reports was Science, Medicine and Health with 66 results. Four articles, which were highlighted within the magazine throughout the 1980s, were selected: the first report on AIDS; the series of award-winning reports on AIDS by the Manchete Magazine; and the retrospective on the ten years of the pandemic. It is concluded that the magazine conducted a change in discourse regarding the relationship between AIDS and sexuality. The Manchete Magazine employed much of the medical discourse to support its texts, but it presented a polyphonic discourse and this polyphony extends to AIDS.


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