The Guarani-Kaiowá indigenous suicide in the anthropocene: solastalgia and schlammbugrism




Solastalgia, Guarani-Kaiowá, Suicide prevention, Natural contract, Perspectivism


From the anthropocene discussion as a starting point, the work seeks to present a contemporary panorama of suicide prevention, highlighting traditional societies, especially the Guarani-Kaiowá. The enormous pressure, confrontation and struggle with the Western European culture is constitutive of the situation. Both Michel Serres' philosophy about the natural contract and concepts such as solastalgia allow the enlargement of mental health understanding towards objects and animals. The ethnological contribution has foremost importance considering new aspects in the study of suicide in indigenous societies, especially concerning translation of experiences. Two aspects are explored: the sense of belonging to the land and the cosmological space of the village and the house, where we can situate contemporary ecological issues; and the relationship with white people, in its range of political issues, including science. Both of which make the indigenous experience special and promising from shamanism and amerindian perspectivism.


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