The myth of the subject and the subject of the myth: between modern rationality and (auto)biographic rationality
Subject, Rationality, Mythology, (Auto)biographicalAbstract
This essay is theoretical in nature and proposes to think about the theoretical-epistemic aspects that constitute, in the tradition of Western thought, the idea of subject and rationality. In the development of this proposition, there is the recognition that mythical traits, present in Greco-Roman stories, constitute elements that become structuring in the ideals of modern thought. The text, in dialogue with the myths, produces reflections on modern rationality in its instrumentalization of the way of operationalizing reason, in the search for the objectivity of what is produced in terms of scientific knowledge and in the construction of the figure of a universal subject and rationalizer of their knowledge processes and themselves. From this reading on the modern subject and modern rationality, the text leads to other formative possibilities that take place in the comprehensive expansion of reason and the constitution of the subject, through the announcements of (auto)biographical subject and (auto)biographical rationality.
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