“Two jews, three discussions, four synagoges”: ethnography in jewish families and communities of Buenos Aires





Judaism, Buenos Aires, Qualitative research, Memory


This text arises from three moments of the ethnographic field related to the process of acquiring roles and positions of both the researcher and the actors, in relation to themselves as individuals or as belonging to certain groups. Reflects on how this movement in the field is produced and how their identities are configured in different circumstances, in a relational way. The methodology is qualitative with ethnography in Jewish families and communities of Buenos Aires between 2016 and 2019. Family and religious institutions are the spaces of socialization of these communities and the agents of transmission of the memory of the religious tradition and its interpretation in the present. The data collection process allowed to reveal different memories that fit in the diversity of the Jewish spaces of Buenos Aires from the simultaneous accesses to different experiences of family and community life.


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