Visual Construction of Rio's Little Africa

The Use of Art and Culture in Rescuing Black Memory




Urban Art, Little Africa, Memory, Valongo Wharf


In recent years, especially after the rediscovery of the Valongo Wharf in 2011, the Port Zone of Rio de Janeiro has become a stage for mobilizations aimed at the recovery and valorization of Afro-Brazilian culture. Starting from the artistic expressions that emerge in this specific context and assuming that the right to the city also concerns the right to the urban landscape for those who are constantly rendered invisible, the present work aims to understand the strategies and visual approaches adopted in this locality, which has as one of its central attributes the presence of Black people and their tangible and intangible artifacts. In this sense, this work is interested in the uses and meanings given to these artistic expressions to alter and/or reinforce the narratives of certain groups in the construction of a Little African Rio in the face of the whitening processes common to urban centers.


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Author Biography

Fillipe Alves, Universidade federal fluminense

Mestrando em Antropologia pelo Programa de Pós-graduação da Universidade Federal Fluminense, Bacharel em Ciências Sociais pela mesma instituição. Foi Bolsista PIBIC com pesquisa desenvolvida na área de patrimônio histórico na região Portuária do Rio de Janeiro com enfoque no processo de patrimonialização do Cais do Valongo. É integrante do núcleo de estudos Guerreiro Ramos (NEGRA) e do Grupo de pesquisa NARUA - Núcleo de Antropologia das artes, ritos e sociabilidades urbanas e integra ainda o núcleo AFRO do Cebrap. Possui interesse em pesquisas nas áreas de Antropologia urbana, questões étnicos raciais, memória e patrimônio.



How to Cite

Alves, F. (2024). Visual Construction of Rio’s Little Africa: The Use of Art and Culture in Rescuing Black Memory . O Mosaico, 19(2), 1–26.