El espacio para generar encuentro se halla en ruinas


  • Alexis Perepelycia Universidad Nacional de Rosario




Free improvisation, Latin America, culturalization processes, hegemony of power, contemporary aurality, politics, society, decolonization, neo-colonialism.


In the cultural panorama of the Latin American continent of the 21st century, free improvisation appears as an emerging expression with marked regional characteristics. In this article we share some ideas about an interdisciplinary perspective on free improvisation in relation to topics such as aurality, sound, praxis, the referent and aspects of biology, ecology and the ecosystem, placing ourselves in the Latin American sociopolitical context. . Dissimilar elements from different disciplines and authors that we find relevant serve us here to stress the territory of action and thus problematize issues that our understanding through free improvisation.


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Author Biography

Alexis Perepelycia, Universidad Nacional de Rosario

Alexis Perepelycia
National University of Rosario
+54 9 341 6980616

Composer, Musician, Researcher, Teacher, Cultural Manager

He works as an independent composer, as a professor and researcher at the School of Music of the Faculty of Letters and Arts of the National University of Rosario.
He is a member of the Electroacoustic Music Federation of Argentina (F.A.R.M.E.), the Latin American Sound Art Network, El Qubil (association of independent musicians from Rosario) and a founding member of the Center for Studies in Music and Technology at the National University of Rosario.
He studied undergraduate at U.N.R., Argentina; and postgraduate studies at Queen's University Belfast, UK; Paris 8 University, France.

He is Director of Humedal: International Festival of Free Improvisation and Sound Arts of Rosário and co-director of the free improvisation concert cycle, all free!.



How to Cite

Perepelycia, A. (2023). El espacio para generar encuentro se halla en ruinas. O Mosaico, 17(2), 153–171. https://doi.org/10.33871/21750769.2023.17.2.8114



Dossiê Improvisação e a linha da vida