Homo sapiens

grandeza e decadência da civilização


  • Lucas Murari Murari




Ruins, Nature, Aesthetics, Contemporary Cinema, Art


This paper focuses on the analysis of the film Homo Sapiens, by Nikolaus Geyrhalter. The work explores the juxtaposition of ruins and nature to reflect on the impact of human civilization on the environment. Through a series of visually striking shots, the film captures abandoned structures, decaying buildings, and overgrown landscapes, revealing the inevitable cycle of creation and decay. The deliberate absence of human presence allows the ruins to speak for themselves, emphasizing the transience of human achievements and the reclamation of nature. By showing these “empty” spaces, "Homo Sapiens" invites spectators to contemplate the delicate relationship between humanity and the natural world, raising questions about our responsibility for the preservation and sustainability of the environment. The film, in this sense, serves as a thought-provoking visual essay that highlights the impermanence of human existence and the profound influence we have on shaping the landscapes we inhabit. The aim of this article is to investigate the aesthetic aspects of the film.                                     


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Author Biography

Lucas Murari, Murari

Pesquisador de cinema experimental e arte de vanguarda. Doutor em Comunicação e Cultura pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, com período sanduíche na Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3 (bolsa PDSE/CAPES). Mestre pelo PPGCOM/UFRJ (2015). Bacharel em Cinema e Vídeo pela Faculdade de Artes do Paraná. É editor-executivo da Revista Eco-Pós (UFRJ). Publicou em 2022 o livro "Expanded Nature - Écologies du Cinéma Expérimental" (Editions Light Cone/Paris - França) em co-direção com Elio Della Noce. Atualmente realiza estágio pós-doutoral na Escola de Comunicação da UFRJ.

Lattes: http://lattes.cnpq.br/8257832830854711



How to Cite

Murari, L. (2023). Homo sapiens: grandeza e decadência da civilização. O Mosaico, 17(2), 322–337. https://doi.org/10.33871/21750769.2023.17.2.7932