Um Núcleo: reflexões sobre registro audiovisual de improvisos em dança e música.


  • Fabio Cadore Unespar - FAP



audiovisual, videomusic, videodance


From the need to document in video and audio an improvisation research in contemporary dance and music, questions related to the act of recording an artistic performance arose. During the first semester of 2022, meetings were held for improvisation at Um Núcleo de Pesquisa Artística em Dança, at Faculdade de Artes do Paraná, Unespar Curitiba Campus II. The meetings were filmed by cell phone and the sounds of the instruments recorded through a sound card. The sum of audio and video files in editing software opened questions regarding the boundaries between the record with the intention of being the most faithful to the event that occurred and the modifications of the experience due to the arbitrary choices of camera framing and the quality differences between what was heard by the participants and what was captured by the audio equipment. As a consequence, it was realized that to register is to choose, the audiovisual is always a possible reading of the unique moment experienced. The raw material captured was then seen as raw material for the construction of audiovisual works that no longer portray and document but tell a new narrative, and the editing process can be seen as similar to the process of both choreographic and musical composition.


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Author Biography

Fabio Cadore, Unespar - FAP

Músico percussionista autodidata com graduação em Psicologia pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, ano 2002. Especializando em Música Eletroacústica pela Faculdade de Artes do Paraná, ano 2021. Estudante de percussão Mandeng  com Mamady Keita, Sekouba Oularé, Bolokada Konde e outros mestres da cultura africana. Pesquisador independente de percussão acoplada a dispositivos eletroacústicos utilizados na composição audiovisual voltada para mídias digitais e internet. 



How to Cite

Cadore, F. (2022). Um Núcleo: reflexões sobre registro audiovisual de improvisos em dança e música. O Mosaico, 15(1), 89–99.



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