
The themes that arise from discussions about ethnic-racial identity of African origin and the insertion of artistic thought in this context, fortunately, have gained more and more space in current reflections. However,  we are still far from an ideal terrain in which ethnic-racial issues inhabit the academic-artistic-pedagogical daily life, which is so necessary for the strengthening of thinking through diversity in the areas of knowledge and the cultivation of an education and an anti-racist stance in the daily life of the wider public. In this sense, artistic-academic understandings about  the Black presence as a power in the Arts contribute to the permanence and strengthening of a political discourse about epistemic justice regarding Africanities in the Arts and in all spheres of life in society.


We will welcome articles, essays, reviews, translations (from English, French or Spanish), interviews,  artistic memorials, dramaturgies,  visual essays, portfolios, musical scores, criticism and poetic and expanded forms of writing in the areas of Visual Arts, Video Arts, Performing Arts, Performance, Theatre, Audiovisual, Cinema, Dance, Dramaturgy and Music. This collaboration will expand and strengthen, in a broad and plural way, the choir of different Afro-diasporic (Afro-Brazilian and Afro-Pindoramic) fronts and entities in the field of Arts under the political, ethical, aesthetic and poetic perspectives.


The Dossier is organized by Prof. Dr. Ana Maria Rufino Gillies (UNESPAR), Prof. Dr. Daiana de Moura (UFSCAR) and Prof. Dr. Danilo Ventania Silveira (UNESPAR). In addition to the Dossier, the Revista O Mosaico will receive the submission of works in a continuous flow.


DEADLINE: Until May 3, 2024.

For submissions, please access the page: