Notas para um panorama do fotojornalismo do A Classe Operária (1925-1953)




The purpose of this article is to analyze the photojournalism of the periodical A Classe Operária, organ of the Brazilian Communist Party, between 1925 and 1953, date of foundation until the last available copy. Although the historiographical production on the PCB is vast, the party's photojournalism is a source ignored by historiography. From the survey of all the photographs published in the available sources for this period, we built a documentary series, in chronological order, covering the cliché and all the texts that refer to it (title, subtitle, report, etc.). We then analyzed the representation of the characters and scenarios present in these images, the emphases and absences of the PCB's photojournalistic discourse. We conclude by showing how, far from being a neutral, objective source that illustrates the report, the published photographs are loaded with meaning and contribute to the history of the PCB as much as the textual discourse.


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Author Biography

Rodrigo Rodriguez Tavares, UFPR

Mestre e Doutor em História Social pela Universidade de São Paulo (2004), possui também especialização em Arquivologia pelo IEB/USP (2000) e em Tradução pelo Citrat/USP (2000). É autor dos livros Porto vermelho: a maré revolucionária (1930 - 1951), A moscouzinha brasileira: cenários e personagens do cotidiano operário de Santos (1930 - 1954) e desenhando a revolução: a luta de imagens na imprensa comunista (1945-1964). Atualmente, investiga o fotojornalismo do PCB e a relação imagem, história e imprensa escrita. Desde 2011, é professor adjunto da Universidade Federal do Paraná. Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil.

