Percepções sobre tarefas exploratórias no contexto de Lesson Study desenvolvido no programa Residência Pedagógica Matemática




The text aims to analyze the relevance of exploratory tasks in the investigative lesson of a Lesson Study, as perceived by teaching candidates participating in the Pedagogical Residency Program for Mathematics (PRP) at the Federal University of XXXXXXX (XXXXXXX). This Lesson Study is part of a research project that aims to assess the contributions of a Lesson Study, conducted in the context of remote classes, to the teaching learning of future Mathematics teachers. The Mathematics PRP involved twenty-five teaching candidates from the Mathematics course, three professors from XXXXXXX, three mentor teachers from the state school system, and students from elementary and high schools in the same system. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Lesson Study was developed through weekly online meetings and was organized into seven stages. These stages included studies related to the topic and the investigative lesson, curriculum guidelines, lesson planning, teaching and reflection on the planned lesson, as well as the implementation and reflection on the re-planned lesson. Data were collected through recordings and transcriptions of the meetings, teacher observation logs, and reflective reports produced by the teaching candidates. The planned lesson included exploratory tasks related to the theme of Financial Education. The design of the exploratory tasks, as well as their execution with the students, constituted the focus of discussions about the lesson plan and the lesson carried out. The exploratory tasks led to debates and reflections among the students that extended beyond the planned investigative lesson.


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How to Cite

Zimer, T. T. B. ., Agranionih, N. T. ., & Guérios, E. C. (2023). Percepções sobre tarefas exploratórias no contexto de Lesson Study desenvolvido no programa Residência Pedagógica Matemática. Revista Paranaense De Educação Matemática, 12(29), 350–367.