Desenvolvimento do conhecimento didático de futuros professores no contexto do Estudo de Aula




This research aims to understand the contributions of lesson study in the initial training of Mathematics teachers, more specifically in the development of didactic knowledge of future teachers when adapted to the Supervised Curricular Internship. The methodological approach is qualitative and interpretative, following the Design-Based Research. The team was composed of the researcher, who also acted as a facilitator and teacher of Mathematics, the teacher educator, the supervisor professor and four future teachers, who had no experience with teaching Mathematics. The planning following the exploratory approach allowed advances regarding the anticipation of possible difficulties and strategies of the students, and in the way the teacher could lead the lesson. Based on this anticipation, future teachers reported that their experience in lesson studies allowed them to move from unconfident, not knowing how to teach Mathematics, to a field in which they began to have more confidence. In this sense, they also highlighted the need to know the curriculum, promote collective discussions and encourage students to reason, searching for the construction of their own knowledge. We conclude that the interactions that took place during the different phases of lesson study contributed to future teachers developing didactic knowledge, more specifically about knowledge of Mathematics for teaching, knowledge of the curriculum, knowledge of students and learning, and knowledge of teaching practice,  namely the selection/preparation of tasks, lesson planning, anticipation of possible difficulties and collective discussion.


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How to Cite

Alves Bezerra, C., & Quaresma, M. (2023). Desenvolvimento do conhecimento didático de futuros professores no contexto do Estudo de Aula. Revista Paranaense De Educação Matemática, 12(29), 325–349.