About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Revista Cientí­fica/FAP is a biannual publication of the Curitiba II Campus - Faculdade de Artes do Paraná (FAP) of Universidade Estadual do Paraná (UNESPAR). Created in 2006, the publication aims to disseminate articles, reviews, essays, interviews and translations in two forms: Thematic Dossiers and Continuous Flow to receive works located in the areas of Visual Arts, Video Arts, Performing Arts, Cinema, Dance, Music and Theater, in their most varied forms of disciplinary analysis, thus promoting the exchange between researchers (graduates, specialists, masters, doctors, post-doctors) from different national and international educational institutions.

Peer Review Process

The articles received will be previously evaluated by the journal's editorial team. Those articles that are outside the editorial criteria described in the item "˜Guidelines for Authors' will be returned and the rest will be forwarded to the reviewers for appraisal. The analysis will be carried out in the form of a formal review. The entire process is carried out under the anonymity regime, that is, without authors and reviewers being aware of each other. After the analysis, the editorial team will contact the author by email to communicate if his/her article was accepted or rejected. In case of modifications suggested by the reviewers, the author must attend to them, having a maximum period of 15 days to return the work by e-mail. Papers will be evaluated for theoretical and empirical content, coherence and mastery based on scientific and artistic literature. Also for the contribution to the specific area, the updatedness of the topic, text structure, methodology and quality of writing.

Publication Frequency


Open Access Policy

This Journal offers free and immediate access to its content, following the principle that making scientific and artistic knowledge freely available to the public provides greater worldwide democratization of knowledge.

Journal History

Revista Cientí­fica / FAP is a semi-annual publication of the Curitiba II Campus - Faculdade de Artes do Paraná (FAP) of the Universidade Estadual do Paraná (Unespar).

Indexed in the Latindex data system (international) and in the Sumários (national), Revista Cientí­fica/FAP is currently available only in the online version (ISSN 1980-5071).

Created in 2006, by Professors Margie Rauen and Mônica de Souza Lopes, the publication aims to disseminate articles, essays, reviews, interviews and translations in two forms of calls: a) Thematic Dossier, with a previously defined period and theme; b) Continuous Flow to receive works located in the areas of Visual Arts, Video Arts, Performing Arts, Cinema, Dance, Music and Theater, in their most varied forms of disciplinary analysis, thus fostering the exchange between researchers / several national and international educational institutions.