Contribuições expressas por meio de Estratégias de Ensino Metacognitivas sobre o conceito de calor através de Invariantes operatórios mobilizados por alunos do Ensino Médio




This work aims to present, through some operational invariants mobilized by the students of the second year of high school, the contributions originated by the application of Metacognitive Teaching Strategies. These results are part of a larger doctoral research which sought to identify what contributions metacognitive teaching strategies have to work with operative invariants on the concept of heat in second grade high school students. The application of this study took place in a public school in the city of Jardim-Mato Grosso do Sul, in the year 2021, a period back to face-to-face amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Thirty-eight students participated in this research, of which only the responses of twenty-one students who participated in all the developed classes were analyzed. In methodological terms, the research was developed through participant observation, having as a data collection instrument a questionnaire applied in three different moments guided by metacognitive teaching strategies. For this article, we selected only one of the questions present in the questionnaire in which the thermal phenomenon is present, whose intention was to understand and apply the concept of heat as the conventional name of a process. Data analysis is perpetuated by the assumptions of the Theory of Conceptual Fields, in which we sought to highlight the operational invariants (concepts-in-action and theorems-in-action) manifested by the students when answering the different situations present in the questionnaire. The identified results allow us to infer that the metacognitive teaching strategies used potentiated the construction of new operational invariants necessary for the understanding of the microscopic processes involved in the physical phenomena associated with heat. In addition, they are relevant to the process of becoming aware of their knowledge, their colleagues and science.


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