Environmental education: use of the distance education tool (EAD) in the implementation of public policies


  • Ana Claudia Hafemann Fundação Universidade Regional de Blumenau




Environmental education, Distance education, Public policies, Citizenship


In the face of an ecosystem that highlights increasing impacts and devastation in the cycles of natural resources, there is a progressively observed rise in events resulting from natural disasters, occurring at ever shorter intervals. Reflection on social practices and community behavior leads participants to perceive themselves as agents of transformation of the environment at a sustainable level, considering social, economic, and environmental scenarios. This article sought to discuss the use of the teaching modality known as distance education for the implementation of public policies, especially in the context of environmental education. Methodologically, it is characterized as an exploratory study that, through theoretical investigation, sought to understand the feasibility of applying the theme as a potential transformer of reality. Its use promotes an integration among elements that, by interacting for social transformation, modify their initial state, fostering a sense of belonging and awareness of citizenship.


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