Produção de um livro infantil como ferramenta de educação em trauma dental para promoção de saúde bucal


  • Samantha Sousa Universidade de Brasília
  • Isla Maria Pereira Ibiapina Universidade de Brasília
  • Julio César Franco Almeida
  • Emília Carvalho Leitão Biato
  • Fernanda Cristina Pimentel Garcia



The objective of this study was to document the creation of an illustrated book focused on the subject of dental trauma, specifically addressing crown fractures in both deciduous and permanent teeth, as a method for educating children about oral health. The high-risk age group of 8 to 14 years was identified based on an epidemiological analysis of patients served by the "Dental Trauma: Prevention and Treatment" outreach project at the University of Brasília (UnB), which has been operational at the University Hospital of Brasília (HUB) since 2011. The preferences and interests of this target audience were carefully considered, along with a commitment to their overall health, resulting in the development of the book titled "A Little Window in Double Dose: With Cail and Caíla." This book presents the tale of two siblings who experience tooth fractures, offering guidance on the appropriate actions to take in such situations in an engaging and interactive manner. The book is officially published and registered, comprising 20 illustrated pages. It presents itself as a proposal aimed at bringing artistic nuances to the spaces of teaching/learning in oral health. It is about providing healthcare professionals with powerful literary material to stimulate thoughts, ultimately promoting the autonomous creation of new and healthier health practices.


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