From university to the school environment: the challenges of future biology teachers


  • Vanessa Temoteo Universidade Estadual do Ceará
  • Antonio Reynaldo Meneses Moura Universidade Federal de Alagoas



The Supervised Internship, crucial for the training of teaching professionals, is addressed in this exploratory qualitative study that analyzes the challenges faced by students from a Public University located in the interior of the state of Ceará. The research involved three internship groups, using questionnaires with both objective and subjective questions. The results highlighted obstacles such as the complexity in time management to reconcile internship and academic activities, the lack of engagement and interaction of students with interns in the classroom, as well as the need for closer integration with the management core of institutions. Additionally, issues connecting the school and university realms were identified. The study aims to provide insights for teacher education programs, especially in Biological Sciences, to overcome existing gaps and enhance the preparation of future teachers. By highlighting specific challenges, it contributes to improving the integration between theory and practice, promoting more effective teacher training aligned with the demands of education.


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