Revisão sistemática sobre feedback da avaliação de Matemática para estudantes com Transtorno do Espectro Autista de 2012-2021
This article aims to identify Brazilian theses and dissertations that, between 2012 and 2021, addressed the assessment feedback in the teaching and learning of mathematics from the inclusive perspective of students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). To this end, we conducted a systematic review with a qualitative, exploratory approach. Eleven studies were found that covered the thematic focus defined in this study: school inclusion, ASD, assessment, mathematics, teaching and learning. The thematic focus mathematics had the highest representation, being present in nine research studies, followed by evaluation, six research studies in all. Four research studies addressed inclusion, five research studies addressed ASD, and none of the 11 research studies referred to the feedback focus. The result reinforces the need for studies that address feedback in favor of a mediating assessment in the teaching and learning of mathematics, which can contribute both to the inclusion of students with ASD, as for others, who may or may not have some specific educational need.
Keywords: Feedback, Mathematics, Assessment, School Inclusion, Autistic Spectrum Disorder.