Fallacies, post-truth and Science Education





post-truth, social constructivism, postmodernism, deconstructionism


Initially, this text provides a brief overview of the dynamics and harmful effects of the current proliferation of fake news and pseudo-scientific theories based on fallacies and other types of rhetorical stratagems that, systematically, have been spreading hatred and prejudice towards minorities and instigating negative attitudes towards science, reason and democracy. Soon thereafter, he briefly discusses the ironic discursive appropriation of some relativist thesis by conservative pseudo-intellectuals. Then, it seeks to demonstrate a certain degree of penetration of these same theses in the area ofscience education and the possible educational implications of an eventual generalized adherence to such assumptions. Finally, it presents some methodological observations directed to those dedicated to research in the teaching area and a didactic suggestion to try to mitigate some problems of scientific literacy of students, caused by the insufficiency of critical analysis practices of academic texts or scientific dissemination in school activities.


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Author Biography

Jesus Cardoso Brabo, Universidade Federal do Pará

Doutor em Ensino de Ciências pela Universidade de Burgos, 2011 (Espanha), professor associado da Universidade Federal do Pará, docente e vice coordenador do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Docência em Ciências e Matemática da UFPA, Editor da Amazônia – Revista de Educação em Ciências e Matemáticas. Atua no Instituto de Educação Matemática e Cientí­fica da Universidade Federal do Pará (IEMCI), onde ministra disciplinas e orienta pesquisas em programas de formação de professores de ciências. Tem experiência na área de Educação, com ênfase em métodos e técnicas de ensino, metacognição, ensino de quí­mica, representações sociais e iniciação cientí­fica infanto-juvenil


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