This is an outdated version published on 2023-06-23. Read the most recent version.

A fantasia colonial no Brasil contemporâneo:

Intersecções na obra de artistas negros, indígenas e LGBTQIA+




This work analyzes the performance of six contemporary Brazilian artists whose production is placed in a decolonial perspective, that is, it has as a parameter a critical view in relation to the political, epistemic and cultural imprisonment imposed by European thought. Their works maintained a strong position of combating the neocolonial practices that echo in contemporary societies, consolidating a conduct of domination in the political, economic, cultural and social spheres. The analysis of the artists was organized according to their themes: Aline Mattos and Rosana Paulino deal with racism and the Brazilian slavery past. Jaider Esbell and Daiara Tukano bring the indigenous mythological question as a representation of their universe always threatened by the presence of the white man. Auá Mendes and Rosa Luz contemplate, in their productions analysed here, the dissident transgender body in a heteronormative world. At the same time, the article brings impressions of the writer and artist Jota Mombaça recorded in the book “Não vai nos matar agora” (Won’t kill us now), establishing a dialogue between her writing on decolonial issues with the remaining works. With this, we seek to emphasize the proximity that Jota Mombaça's thinking has with the production of selected artists whose manifestations seek to reflect on common themes such as racism, gender, inequality and activism.


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Author Biographies

Jean Lopes, PUC-Campinas

Produtor audiovisual, mestrando em Linguagens, Mídia e Arte pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas (PUC-Campinas). Graduado em Publicidade e Propaganda pelo Centro Universitário FECAP. Itatiba, SP, Brasil.

Tarcisio Torres Silva, PUC-Campinas

Professor pesquisador em regime de decicação integral do Centro de Linguagem e Comunicação da PUC-Campinas. Doutor em Artes Visuis pela Unicamp, com perí­odo de estágio no departamento de Estudos Culturais, Goldsmiths College, Universidade de Londres.


