About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The International Interdisciplinary Journal of Visual Arts ART&SENSORIUM (eISSN- 2358-0437) is a Continuos Publication of the School of Music and Fine Arts of Paraná State University.

Its purpose is the publication of unpublished articles and academic essays in Portuguese, Spanish or English on issues related to the visual arts such as History and Theory of Art, Visual Poetics (Creation processes), as well as interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary bridges focusing on arts both from Brazil and abroad. Book reviews are also accepted in these same lines of research.

Peer Review Process

Peer Review Process - The received text will be evaluated in advance by the Editor (s). If the article is within the scope of the Journal, it will be forwarded to reviewers (blind review) outside Art&Sensorium, who will be responsible for reviewing, approving (with or without requirements) or rejecting it within 15 days to 20 days. In the case of "acceptance with changes and/or corrections," the author will have 10 days to forward the revised manuscript to Art&Sensorium. The Editor, in turn, has 10 days to check whether or not the revised text met the reviewers' requirements, and inform the Editor that the text was "accepted for publication". The publishers reserve the right to make small changes and / or small cuts in the texts received to conform to the standards of Art&Sensorium, always maintaining their style and content.

Articles presented in scientific events:

The submitted article that was presented in scientific event is analyzed by the Editor as to the type of presentation realized in the event. Articles that have been presented orally are usually accepted for 'peer review'. Art&Sensorium understands that a text presented in a scientific event receives contributions that lead to new reflections on the theme. However, the text can only be accepted for 'peer review' if the author rewrites it, since it is understood that this last text will be unpublished in relation to the first one, thus likely to be accepted for evaluation. If the manuscript is accepted it will be mentioned in a footnote that comes from the presentation made at the scientific event.

Dates for article submission:

Submissions are continuously received and sent to reviewers for evaluation and returned to the authors for corrections if necessary. Approved works will be published within a maximum of 6 months.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Does the journal have article processing charges (APCs)? NO
Does the journal have article submission charges? NO









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Journal History

Art&Sensorium was created by Prof. Dr. José Eliézer Mikosz in 2013. The first publication took place in 2014 with several international collaborations.