Burnout syndrome: the influence of market pressure on the emergence of the disease and the health preservation in a competitive environment
Competitiveness, Leadership, Burnout syndromeResumo
Organizations have gone through several changes in favor of globalization, culminating in the intensification of competitiveness that has impacted leadership and their subordinates. This article seeks to check the correlation between burnout syndrome and external pressure and how such competitiveness has influenced the increase in the risk of this occupational disease. An analytical cross-sectional study was conducted, using qualitative and quantitative methodology, with the target public being workers in the state of São Paulo in September 2022, to understand the influence of market pressure on the health of professionals and observed a positive correlation of the variable presented about burnout syndrome. Thus, it was possible to suggest work activities that help to prevent the emergence of burnout syndrome and provide relief from the stress that negatively affects the company, leadership, and especially employees.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Karoline Vitória Ferreira da Silva, Thais Cristine Nunes Pereira e Jadir Perpétuo dos Santos

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