Neem (Azadirachta indica) as a Biotechnological tool: a short review


  • Ana Paula Paula Ferreira
  • Débora Elisa Antunes de Mendonça
  • João Arthur dos Santos de Oliveira
  • Hélio Conte



Neem (Azadirachta indica) is a plant native from India and very adaptable to hot climates. Commonly it has been found as an ornamental plant or used in popular medicine due to its herbal properties. The current work is a short review that aimed to discuss Neem' biotechnological application in agriculture, environment and pharmaceutical fields. The researches were performed using online databases and the papers that discussed the prospection of Neem in the agriculture field (as a fertilizer or playing plant protection against pests and disease), pharmaceutical industry (production of metabolites with biological activity) and environmental biotechnology (eco-friendly alternatives to mitigate chemical pesticide environ damage) have chosen. Based on Neem's properties is possible find it as a fertilizer, supplement for animal feed or playing important role in plant defenses against insects (bioinsecticide) and pathogenic microorganisms (antimicrobial activity) in the agriculture field or the pharmaceutical industry with metabolites which have antitumoral, antioxidant and anti-bactericidal activity, besides Neem has already been reported used in combination with nanoparticles. Overall, Neem has been mentioned as a great tool for biotechnological applications in different areas.



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