Est´´ética de la liberación en liberaci´ón en las teatralidades feministas latinoamericanas
feminismo, estética, racionalidad, neoliberalismo, teatralidadesResumo
We will expose the features of The Aesthetics of Liberation to examine the various liberating aspects that emerge in Latin American feminist theatricality. With a feminist hermeneutic perspective that immersed the theatrical products in a broad context concerning philosophical, political, economic, and social aspects, we intend to reach their understanding and comprehension (Gadamer), to observe how we understand them as liberating apparatuses. These theatricalities, as Latin American popular feminism does, sustain the existence of a theoretical knot between capitalism-patriarchy-neoliberalism and stage some of its consequences: gender violence and the essentiality of binarism; the division between public and private; the claim for the rights denied and the entry of the female subject into the symbolic world of language and the revaluation of the body as a space in which meaning inscribed.Some responses from the feminist theatricality resistance in search for liberation are the occupation of the public space, denied initially to the woman(s) subject; the appearance of a new subject, sometimes collective, plural, and constitutive, as it is the case of Latin American artivist groups; the integration of the body as part of a valid expression, denied and belittled by the philosophical tradition as it is the fundamental tool to install the demands. We will exemplify these theses with theatrical productions in which emerge a rationality that differs from the traditional masculine abstract rationality and integrates a new hierarchy of values with life as the primary one. All these characteristics make up a liberating policy from the patriarchal-capitalist-neoliberal hegemonic regime and seek a better life for non-male subjects through various theatrical and performance techniques.
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