Help: rodas de conversa sobre luto e perdas com adolescentes do 8º e 9º anos de uma escola pública de Belo Horizonte/Minas Gerais




This article has the general objective of presenting the experience report of talking circles carried out with students from the 8th and 9th grade of a state public school, in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. Hereafter, the specific objectives are listed: (a) to identify academic and scientific production on grief (b) to verify how grief in adolescence has been treated across the different research papers, journals, and thesis; and finally; (c) to reflect on the use of the talking circle methodology. This article references relevant scientific publications on “grief and adolescence”. Moreover, it considers the reports on the “talking circles of students”, which was the methodology used in the interventions. Altogether, three chatting circles were held with the students, and the following topics were addressed: (a) “Acceptance of losses and grief”; (b) “Let's talk about losses and grief”, and (c) “Anxiety in the context of losses and grief”. The interventions took place in the school auditorium, once a month, and were coordinated by psychologists and Psychology students. It is understood that the interventions were beneficial for the teenagers that chose to participate, as they had the opportunity to reflect and talk about grief and loss and were also welcomed during the circles. This work allowed the coordinators to think carefully on the cycle of life, how death is part of it, in addition to elucidate the importance of working on these issues in the school environment.


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